Tips and Tricks August 25, 2023

Waterfront Maintenace

Owning a waterfront property comes with many responsibilities! Listed below are some things you might need to keep an eye out for when doing maintenance on your waterfront.

  • Regularly inspect your dock for any signs of damage or rot, and lubricate any moving parts.
  • Check your shoreline for erosion and your sea wall for signs of damage – take the appropriate steps to repair!
  • Landscape the area around your dock and enjoy the waterfront views from your beautiful yard.
  • Be sure to watch for any invasive species. They may be on your dock or on the underside of boats/toys sitting in the water.

Being able to keep your waterfront area clean and damage-free means your family can enjoy the property to its fullest potential. And by sticking to your checklist you can help keep the environment healthy too!